About Brochures Drug and Alcohol Safety Seminars Contacts

Drug and Alcohol

Written Policies

Testing Programs

Record Audits/Reviews

Workplace Substances
  Supervisory Training
  Employee Awareness

Physical Examinations

Occupational Health

DOT/FMCSA Physical Examinations

The driver's medical certification is the greatest risk for employers of Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) operators. While the Department of Transportation (DOT) has been mandated by Congress to establish a National Registry of certified examiners, currently exams can be performed by physicians, physicians assistants, nurse practitioners, and in some states, chiropractors.  However, once the registry goes into effect, only certified examiners will be permitted to perform the exams. Regardless, the employer is responsible for ensuring the medical examiner is knowledgeable of the regulations and bears the burden of liability if the examiner is not.

Many employers allow drivers to obtain exams from their family physicians who are not familiar with the physical requirements of Title 49 CFR Part 391.41-43, the proper way to conduct it, the form to be used, formats required for the information entered, the various required medical waivers and the guidelines & limitations due to certain medical conditions.

As part of our services, we can:

  • Review medial examinations against the DOT/FMCSA physical requirements & guidelines
  • Assist in getting errors corrected to reduce liability
  • Help find qualified examiners
  • Educate employers & examiners and help them understand the risks
  • Monitor drivers with problem medical issues & document stability
  • Provide current exam forms and personalized medical certificates (wallet cards)